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Museum Grade Canvas Wall Art

Museum Grade Canvas Wall Art

Our gallery wrapped canvas wall art prints are our highest quality wall art. They allow for a high quality frameless print to hang alone or as a group to create wall art. Made with the highest quality canvas, mounted onto solid wood, meant to withstand time. Heck, you could technically dance on them according to our lab! The wrapped canvas prints are handmade and built to last. Guaranteed.

Gallery Wrapped Canvas Prints

The Canvas Wall Art prints range in size from 11×14 to the luxurious wall size of 40×60. The wrapped canvas prints can be the star on the wall or be paired with several images to create a wall gallery. They are used to display images from all types of portrait sessions. Our most popular displays are in trios (3) or quads (4) so you can add onto your wall art after every session to create a gorgeous gallery by the end of baby’s first year.

The canvas prints are made from museum grade canvas, carefully and tightly wrapped around the solid wood frame. They are equipped with a solid cardstock backing, with a high quality gator-tooth hanging system, and silicone bumpers to protect your walls.

They texture is very subtle, as to not interfere with the image. They also receive a special coating to protect against UV rays and dust. A quick wipe with a damp cloth has these art pieces looking brand new in seconds.

The print is carefully wrapped over the edges so that the image extends over the sides to create a seamless look from all angles.


Want a canvas wall art print for yourself?

All of our sessions offer the opportunity to purchase canvas art prints, which can either be purchased as a grouping, in a collection, or individually. Contact us today to book your session and start designing your wall art.

There are also gorgeous matted and framed options available.


  • Love canvas prints and think it’s do important to have your favorite images enlarged on canvas and displayed in common areas around the home. They are the perfect replacement to prints since you do not need a frame and they look sleek and modern.

    September 23, 2014 at 11:03 AM
  • I think wall art like this is the best thing parents can buy to display the love they have for their newborn child 🙂

    September 23, 2014 at 1:11 PM
  • Beautiful. I’d love a stunning canvas on my wall!

    September 23, 2014 at 9:39 PM
  • I love gallery wrap canvases! This is definitely a great product to sell in your photography boutique

    September 26, 2014 at 10:43 PM
  • shelly


    wish that you were closer to Virginia area. I would use you in a heartbeat. 🙂

    November 28, 2014 at 2:40 PM
  • Great art, I really impressed with these amazing images. Thanks for sharing.

    October 18, 2018 at 4:42 AM

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